MiniSplit Blog

Mini Split Filters Minisplit Warehouse

One of the most important components of a mini split system is its filters. Mini split filters are responsible for preventing dust, pollen and other debris from entering the air in your home, ensuring that you and your family breathe clean, healthy air. Regular maintenance of these filters is essential to ensure optimal performance and efficiency of your system. Cleaning mini split filters can be done quickly and easily with just a few simple steps.

The first step in cleaning mini split filters is to remove the filter from its slot in the unit. This will usually involve unscrewing or popping out a guard-like covering around the filter itself. Once removed, use a vacuum cleaner to remove any visible dirt or dust from the surface of the filter before rinsing it in lukewarm water. Allow the filter to dry completely before reinstalling into the unit itself.

It is recommended that mini split filters be cleaned at least every three months for optimal performance and efficiency. If you have pets or live in an area with heavy pollen counts, clean the filter more frequently as needed. Keeping your filter clean will help extend the life of your mini split system while also maintaining a high level of air quality in your home. With regular cleaning and maintenance, you can ensure that your mini split system continues to function efficiently for many years to come.

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